MoMA is a penalized SVD framework that supports a wide range of sparsity-inducing penalties. For a matrix X, MoMA gives the solution to the following optimization problem:

The penalties (the P functions) we support so far include

With this at hand, we can easily extend classical multivariate models:

  • moma_sfpca() performs penalized principal component analysis.

  • moma_sfcca() performs penalized canonical component analysis.

  • moma_sflda() performs penalized linear discriminant analysis.

We also provide Shiny App support to facilitate interaction with the results. If you are new to MoMA, the best place to start is vignette("MoMA").


The newest version of the package can be installed from Github:

install_github("michaelweylandt/MoMA", ref = "build")


Perform sparse linear discriminant analysis on the Iris data set.


Multivariate analysis – the study of finding meaningful patterns in datasets – is a key technique in any data scientist’s toolbox. Beyond its use for Exploratory Data Analysis (“EDA”), multivariate analysis also allows for principled Data-Driven Discovery: finding meaningful, actionable, and reproducible structure in large data sets. Classical techniques for multivariate analysis have proven immensely successful through history, but modern Data-Driven Discovery requires new techniques to account for the specific complexities of modern data. This package provides a new unified framework for Modern Multivariate Analysis (“MoMA”), which will provide a unified and flexible baseline for future research in multivariate analysis. Even more importantly, we anticipate that this easy-to-use R package will increase adoption of these powerful new models by end users and, in conjunction with R’s rich graphics libraries, position R as the leading platform for modern exploratory data analysis and data-driven discovery.

Multivariate analysis techniques date back to the earliest days of statistics, pre-dating other foundational concepts like hypothesis testing by several decades. Classical techniques such as Principal Components Analysis (“PCA”) [1, 2], Partial Least Squares (“PLS”), Canonical Correlation Analysis (“CCA”) [3], and Linear Discriminant Analysis (“LDA”), have a long and distinguished history of use in statistics and are still among the most widely used methods for EDA. Their importance is reflected in the CRAN Task View dedicated to Multivariate Analysis [4], as well as the specialized implementations available for a range of application areas. Somewhat surprisingly, each of these techniques can be interpreted as a variant of the well-studied eigendecomposition problem, allowing statisticians to build upon a rich mathematical and computational literature.

In the early 2000s, researchers noted that naive extensions of classical multivariate techniques to the high-dimensional setting produced unsatisfactory results, a finding later confirmed by advances in random matrix theory [5]. In response to these findings, multivariate analysis experienced a renaissance as researchers developed a wide array of new techniques to incorporate sparsity, smoothness, and other structure into classical techniques [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 among many others], resulting in a rich literature on “modern multivariate analysis.” Around the same time, theoretical advances showed that these techniques avoided many of the pitfalls associated with naive extensions [15,16,17,18,19,20].

While this literature is vast, it relies on a single basic principle: it is essential to adapt classical techniques to account for known characteristics and complexities of the dataset at hand for multivariate analysis to succeed. For example, a neuroscientist investigating the brain’s response to an external stimulus may expect a response which is simultaneously spatially smooth and sparse: spatially smooth because the brain processes related stimuli in well-localized areas (e.g., the visual cortex) and sparse because not all regions of the brain are used to respond to a given stimulus. Alternatively, a statistical factor model used to understand financial returns may be significantly improved by incorporating known industry sector data, motivating a form of group sparsity. A sociologist studying how pollution leads to higher levels of respiratory illnesses may combine spatial smoothness and sparsity (indicating “pockets” of activity) with a non-negativity constraint, knowing that pollution and illness have a positive effect.

To incorporate these different forms of prior knowledge into multivariate analysis, a wide variety of algorithms and approaches have been proposed. In 2013, Allen proposed a general framework that unified existing techniques for “modern” PCA, as well as proposing a number of novel extensions [21]. The recently developed MoMA algorithm builds on this work, allowing more forms of regularization and structure, as well as supporting more forms of multivariate analysis.

The principal aim of this package is to make modern multivariate analysis available to a wide audience. This package will allow for fitting PCA, PLS, CCA, and LDA with all of the modern “bells-and-whistles:” sparsity, smoothness, ordered and unordered fusion, orthogonalization with respect to arbitrary bases, and non-negativity constraints. Uniting this wide literature under a single umbrella using the MoMA algorithm will provide a unified and flexible platform for data-driven discovery in R.


  • Michael Weylandt

    Department of Statistics, Rice University

  • Genevera Allen

    Departments of Statistics, CS,and ECE, Rice University

    Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital

  • Luofeng “Luke” Liao

    School of Data Science, Fudan University


  • MW was funded by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship 1450681.
  • LL was funded by Google Summer of Code 2019.


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